What tho’ through many a groaning age
Was felt thy keen suspicious rage,
Yet Freedom rous’d by fierce Disdain
Has wildly broke thy triple chain,
And like the storm which Earth’s deep entrails hide,
At length has burst its way and spread the ruins wide.(lines 5–10)
....вторая и третья строфа отсутствуют.
Четвертая строфа.
I see, I see! glad Liberty succeed
With every patriot virtue in her train!
And mark yon peasant’s raptur’d eyes;
Secure he views his harvests rise;
No fetter vile the mind shall know,
And Eloquence shall fearless glow.
Yes! Liberty the soul of Life shall reign,
Shall throb in every pulse, shall flow thro’ every vein! (lines 42–50)
Поэт затем просит премьер министра помочь освободить Бельгию от контроля Австрии...
And still, as erst, let favour’d Britain be
First ever of the first and freest of the free! (lines 59–60)